Найдено научных статей по теме — 15

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Public Relations как практическая герменевтика

Каракуц Карина Игоревна
В современном мире Public Relations выступает как практическая герменевтика.
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On the relation of aesthetic and moral principles in Plato’s Cretan state

Gutorov V. А.
One of the most interesting points of difference between ‘ The Republic’ and‘ The Laws’ consists in the exceptional attention of Plato to the aesthetic aspectsof grounding the theory of the ideal polis and education.
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About the specifics of the relationships i – the Other

Farkhitdinova Olga M.
The modern man is fascinated by the reality that cannot be understood in terms of the last century. Application of the concepts that have no cultural context in this area deprives a person of the possibility to understand.
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2001. 04. 008. Санкей Х. Онтологический релятивизм Куна. Sankey H. Kuhn's ontological relativism//Bo

Рыбак А. А., Яковлев В. А.
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Relations in the Trinitarian reality: two approaches

Butakov Pavel
The Greek model of the Trinity, based on the Theological Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus, treats the Trinitarian relations as connections between the Father and the two other persons: the Son and the Holy Spirit.
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The temporalization of listening in the intersubjective relation

Poleshchuk Irina
The paper explores the ethical significance of listening in intersubjective relations with another person.
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Cosmology and philosophy: in relation to the world

Okah-Atenga Pierre-Paul
This study does not only aim at identifying the core which stimulates to the universe, known or still unknown dynamics and statics, but also at discovering the core that explains and establishes the different faces of relationship
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The relationship between the historical Buddha Sakyamuni and the anticipatory Bodhisattva Visishtaca

Makoto Ozaki
The Buddha Sakyamuni and Nichiren are mediated by the anticipatory Bodhisattva who is the self-projection in negation onto the eschatological future, socalled mappo era, after 2000 years since the Buddha’s passing.
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Neskriabina Olga F.
Despite the abundance of assurances in striving for the unity of philosophy and medicine, their actual relations are far from being friendly.
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Research on Marx’s theory of relationship between human and nature

Shang Li
The relationship between human being and nature has long been an important problem, which has drawn a lot of attention.
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Foregrounding the relational domain - phenomenology, enactivism and care ethics

Urban Petr
Despite the emphasis on the relational and interpersonal domain found in the phenomenological tradition, a genuinely relational phenomenological ethics is still a desideratum.
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Tanabe’s idea of world religion in relation to Whitehead

Makoto Ozaki
The Kyoto School philosopher Hajime Tanabe proposes a new idea of world religion in which Christianity, Japanese Buddhism and Marxism are to be unified in a dialectical way as the self-developmental synthesis in history in anticip
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Sergey Bulgakov and Georges Florovsky: The Task of Relating God and Creation

Vyacheslav Lytvynenko
A Sergey Bulgakov and Georges Florovsky belong to the same Eastern Orthodox tradition and often use the same terminology in their works, they speak two different languages and have vastly different theologies.
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Aristotle on the relation between logic and ontology

Vasyukov V.L.
Aristotle was the founder not only logics but also of ontology which he describes in Metaphysics and Categories as a theory of general properties of all entities and categorical aspects they should be analyzed.
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Body and space relationship in the research field of phenomenological anthropology: Blumenberg’s cri

Pryhodko V.V., Rudenko S.V.
Purpose. The article suggested for consideration is aimed at clarifying the shift in human perception from the spatial turn announced by Michel Foucault, to a performative turn.