Найдено научных статей по теме — 10

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96. 04. 017. Клэйтон Ф. , Кнэпп С. Этика и рациональность Clayton P. , Knapp S. ethics and rationali

Суркова Л. В.
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Постмодернизм, рационализм и ревитализация религии (postmodernism, rationalism and revitalization of

Мавляутдинов И.С.
Религиозные воззрения и рациональное мышление зачастую противопоставляются, а между религиозными и рационалистическими позициями существует известная напряженность.
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2008. 02. 007. Айя П. Мораль и рационализм у Дюркгейма. Hayat P. morale et rationalisme chez Durkhei

Ушкова Е. Л.
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Secularization and rationalistic paradigm as the basis of the contradistinction between science and

Burmova Lyubka
Christianity embraces all man’s ideas about the universe and comprises the components of scientific knowledge by the time of the Renaissance.
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2010. 03. 017. Бриджез Я. Рациональность, нормативность и прозрачность. Bridges Jа. Rationality, nor

Боброва Л. А.
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2008. 01. 011. Ханна Р. Рациональность и этика логики. Hanna R. rationality and ethics of logic // J

Боброва Л. А.
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Misticizm and rationality as the problem of Metaphilosophy

Grigoryan Henry
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Truth and rationality

Spohn Wolfgang
This paper is about the pragmatic notion of truth, according to which what we believe in the ideal limit of inquiry is true. Hence, it refers to the dynamics of belief and thus to theoretical rationality.
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From ancient Greek Logos to European rationality

Apostolopoulou Georgia
Because of history, culture, and politics, European identity has its archetypical elements in ancient Greek culture.
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Spirituality and rationality: the ways of reuniting in the post-secular space of the personal self-k

Patsan Vasyl
The article reveals the premises of overcoming the secularistic restrictions of the person's self-definition provoking the crisis of the self-identification in the current social-cultural situation; the author examines the ways of

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