Найдено научных статей по теме — 8

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Communication language in formation of civil self-consciousness of global societas

Gorelikov Ye L'
Projective possibilities of language model in realization of strategy of development of civil society in Russia against the global future of the modern civilization are considered in the article.
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What makes «Communication» possible?

Pavlenko A. N.
The article presents sufficient space for a thorough analysis of the conceptual issues of the Communicative Programme (the CP) developed by E. Husserl, L. Wittgenstein, K.-O. Apel, and J.
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Damascius and the practice of the philosophical life: on the impossibility of communication about an

Kalogiratou Androniki
This paper is an overview and introduction to the key elements of Damascius’ philosophy. I examine the attributes and the relationship between the Ineffable, the One, and the All as the cornerstones of his theoretical system.
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98. 03. 010. Бунью Д. Коммуникация и истина. Bougnoux D. communication et vérité//&eacut

Филиппов С. В.
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Culture of understanding in reproduction and fixation of cultural-communicative experience

Rotanova Mira Borisovna, Terekhin Andrey Vyacheslavovich
The article presents an attempt to reveal the role of culture of understanding in the process of reproduction of cultural heritage, society’s intellectual culture, as well as to analyze reproduction mechanisms of cultural-communic
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Право и коммуникация. Рецензия на книгу: Provencher G. droit et communication: liaisons constatees.

Антонов Михаил Валерьевич
Настоящая работа представляет собой рецензию на книгу «Право и коммуникация: доказанные связи. Рассуждения об отношениях между правом и коммуникацией», изданную в 2013 г. канадским правоведом Гийомом Прованшером.
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Scientific text as a special form of communication

Chernyakova Natalia Stepanovna
It is asserted in the article that scientific text, even being a product of spiritual culture, never ceased to be the main form of an objectivization of scientific thought and the means of special scientific communication.
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Принцип сообщения в «Негативном сообществе» Ж. Батая: communion и communication

Вайзер Татьяна Владиславовна
Статья посвящена проблемам коммуникации в «негативном сообществе» французского философа и писателя Ж. Батая.